
Product Range

Obire offers a comprehensive set of products and services, catering to a broad spectrum of needs in the railway industry.

Warning of Approaching Trains (WAT)

The solution is based on high-precision positioning data from vehicles combined with geographical data which is shared within the transportation system. The road user, illustrated by a car below, may in this way get information regarding unattended level crossings and if a train is approaching. The information is triggered based on that both the road-user and the train are within the same geographical area, a so called geofence.

Wildlife Warning (WIL)

The position of a train may, the same way as for WAT, trigger wildlife warnings that makes wildlife avoid crossing the railroad track prior to a train passage. The purpose of the solution is to decrease the number of wildlife accidents with trains especially in known wildlife intensive areas. Wildlife accidents impact for example railway timeliness, vehicle repair costs and the general train work environment.    .

Current Obire initiatives include providing more accurate logistical data, improved travel information and a reduction of wildlife railroad incidents, just to name a few. Obire is also part of Nordic Way 3 via its partner Digital Tvilling. The Nordic Way 3 initiative aims to enable vehicles, infrastructure and network operators to exchange information in a standardized way e.g. to provide warnings of approaching trains at unattended level crossings to car navigation systems.